Episode 14: Total Eclipse of the Moon

Around 9pm (local UK time) on Friday 27 July 2018, the full moon will rise over the horizon. But this full moon will be a bit special: it’ll be a deep red colour, because we’re going to experience a total lunar eclipse! C’mon people, get outside!

A lunar eclipse is where the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow. That means the Moon, the Earth and the Sun are aligned. We have a word for that: it’s totally going to be a syzygy!

So to celebrate, we’re chatting about the eclipse — what it will look like, when to watch it, where the redness comes from — as well as getting a bit lost in tangents along the way, as we do, about astrology, the end of the world, Betteridge’s Law of Headlines and cosmic sows.


Syzygy is produced by Chris Stewart and co-hosted by Dr Emily Brunsden from the Department of Physics at the University of York.

Find us on Twitter: @syzygypod twitter.com/SyzygyPod

Or just visit us at home: syzygy.fm

Emily at the University of York: www.york.ac.uk/physics/people/brunsden/

Chris online: kipstewart.com

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Some of the things we talk about in this episode: