94: A Star Is Born


ESO / L. Calcada

You’re a star, baby

We’ve done the baby universe, and baby galaxies, and the very first baby stars ... and *those* were a bit nasty, a bit grumpy. So this week, we're talking baby stars again, but in the modern era — stars being born now, as we speak. Mind you, just because they've got more than H and He to buiold with, doesn't mean they're any less temperamental. Emily takes use from the interstellar medium, through interstellar clouds and collapsing proto-stars, to the birth of a cute little pre-main-sequence star.

Syzygy is produced by Chris Stewart and co-hosted by Dr Emily Brunsden from the Department of Physics at the University of York.

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Things we discuss in this episode:

·      The Interstellar medium and Interstellar clouds

·      Proto-stars and their windiness

·      Brown dwarfs

·      Main sequence stars

·      T Tauri stars

·      Herbig Ae/Be stars